In a world characterised by turbulence and uncertainty, often referred to as a VUCA world, most organisations need to be able to adapt to changes in the surrounding world, markets and customer preferences. Often, we refer to this kind of organizations as agile, organic, teal, trust-based, resilient or by some other name. However, these organizations are more common in the public debate than in real life. The reason for this is that it is simply not enough to introduce agile methods in some parts of the organization or to speak enthusiastically about trust-based leadership, if you don’t remove the bureaucratic and hierarchic obstacles to becoming agile in the organization.
So, in order to become agile etc we argue that organizations need to:
- Focus less on short-term owner demands and more on satisfying the customers
- Rely less on individual reward systems and more on inspiring intrinsic motivation
- Apply less detailed monitoring and rely more on trust
- Handle the future less by planning and more through adaptability
All these priorities require a certain amount of nerve among managers who need to let go of the illusory sense of control given by detailed budgets and tight monitoring. They also require consistency; we do not recommend combining trust-based leadership with individual bonuses or intrinsic motivation with a lack of customer focus.
You will find news at the bottom of this page. This is the content of the other pages:
BLOG is exactly what it sounds like.
Under MEDIA you can find articles, interviews, videos etc with us published elsewhere.
THE AUTHORS contains information about the autho, in case you want to know more about us.
THE BOOK contains more information about the book and some reviews.
We gave a talk at the BBRT conference in Switzerland
Watch our talk at the Beyond Budgeting Round Table Conference in Winterthur, Switzerland on April 11th, 2024.
The Agile Company - Beyond Project Management is now out!
These are some of the places where you can buy it:
Listen to an interview with Göran
If you want more information about what our book "The Agile Company - Beyond Project Management" is about, you can listen to this interview with Göran done by Hans Gillior: